The Silent Movie: Peter Burrow's Dilemma
June 2012. During our visit to Hannover in June we used some of our time - as reported earlier - to film a 'silent movie' about safe standing. Starring Peterborough United's giant rabbit mascot Peter Burrow (flown over at the club's expense), the film has now been released and is spreading around the Web!
Peter Burrow, a highly excitable rabbit, has arrived at the big game. He's full of the joys of spring as he surveys the stadium in front of him and hops down the steps towards his seat. The burly steward directs him to his place, where he greets a fellow fan. Both stand at their seats to watch the game.
A goal! The two chums jump up and down in excitement. Whoops! Peter loses his balance and falls into the row of seats in front.
A little later we see Peter back on his feet, but this time he is unfortunately obstructing the view of a rather grey-looking gentleman sat in the seat behind. The latter gets very angry and almost comes to blows with Peter before calling over the steward, who insists that Peter sits down.
Peter is very sad.
But help is at hand. The friend we saw Peter with earlier has since found something very exciting and comes back to tell Peter about it and lead him off to ... the safe standing area!
(Continued below)
Synopsis continued
Now everyone is happy!
Peter and his friend jump about to their hearts' content between the rails of row after row of rail seats, totally safe from falling over no matter how excited they get.
Meanwhile the grey-coated gent in his seat is also smiling and clapping politely, happy - like Peter and friend - to be able to watch the game in his preferred manner.
And they all live happily ever after.
Enjoy and please share, share, share!!